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What is the purpose of the KravTrainer app?

With the app you can practice the Krav Maga techniques (that you should already master for your level) in a playful way. Instead of a boring list with names of techniques, you are now presented with the attacks in a simple animation with text and speech, in random order.

Are the techniques explained in the KravTrainer app?

No, how to do the different defenses is not explained. To learn Krav Maga safely, you must take classes with a certified Krav Maga instructor. KravTrainer is just a tool for your Krav Maga training.

I run a Krav Maga school, can I offer the app to my students?

Yes, I'm currently working on an extension where a Krav Maga school can have their own level system. Students can log in with a password and have full access to their school's attacks. The price will be a small fee per month for about 100 students. If you are a school owner and interested in participating, please email me for more info.

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KravTrainer is an app to practice your krav maga techniques at home, in the park or anywhere. Defend yourself against attacks on a level of your choice. Download now!
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